KORE Training Systems is not a “fitness center”. We are the first and ONLY functional fitness/sport performance training studio in the Triad. The KORE facility is a private training studio dedicated to the physical goals of each client. We use a hybrid of traditional and functional training methods, resulting in the enhancement of both performance and aesthetic qualities.
At KORE, we offer an exciting, challenging, and highly effective method of working out. We teach clients how to exercise, get extremely fit, and lose weight. Our personal training sessions are actually learning sessions for the client. You will learn to use your bodyweight, bands, kettle bells, medicine and stability balls, dumbbells, ropes, rocks, and more! Our clients quickly recognize that the procedures and protocols here are much different than the fitness center across town.
Weight loss, fitness, and athletic development programs have advocated high volume, high repetition, low-intensity workouts for years. From a scientific perspective, this makes no sense.KORE’s approach is to create high intensity protocols to prevent over training, decrease injury rate, and produce maximum biological adaptation and improvement by doing short, intensive, and specialized protocols.